Together we can
April 7, 2020 3:34 am Comments Off on Together we canCOVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on every aspect of our lives. The most felt aspect of the change is... Selengkapnya
COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on every aspect of our lives. The most felt aspect of the change is... Selengkapnya
Maybe some of you, as I do, still play a very popular game of matching three candies, called Candy Crush.... Selengkapnya
Mungkin sebagian dari kita (termasuk saya) masih ada yang memainkan game mencocokan tiga permen, yang disebut Candy Crush. Di permainan... Selengkapnya
Pada tahun 1967, Charles Hummel menerbitkan sebuah buku kecil berjudul “Tyranny of the Urgent”. Dalam hal itu, Hummel menjabarkan adanya... Selengkapnya
In 1967, Charles Hummel published a little booklet titled “Tyranny of the Urgent”. In it, Hummel discusses the tension between... Selengkapnya